Mit einer Erfahrung von über 15 Jahren , möchten wir, das Team von MountainGuide-Sibiu; IULIAN PANESCU - Bergführer(SGLM) & Bergwanderungenfuhrer(UIMLA) und Leiter MGS, ADELA DADU - autorisierte Kulturreiseführerin und Tourismus Managerin,COSTINVOINESCU-Bergführer,MIRCEA NAN-Bergführer,MIHAELA RUSU-Bergführer, IULIA POP-Bergführer(SGLM) & Bergwanderungenfuhrer(UIMLA), MIRCEA ALEXANDRU IEPURE-Bergführer(SGLM) & Bergwanderungenfuhrer(UIMLA) undVLAD CRACIUN – Bergführer, Sie herzlich nach Siebenbürgen einladen. Begeben Sie sich mit uns auf eine neue, erlebnisreiche Entdeckungsreise, in einer der schönsten Regionen Rumäniens - in Transsilvanien.
Well all the Bogtrotters got home safely. Back to reality today. Holiday is now just a memory. I want to thank you for organising our trip. It really was fantastic. I can honestly say that everyone really enjoyed the holiday and there were no complaints about anything. The walks were excellent with variety of climbing and scenery everyday. Accommodation was top class in all hotels. Food was also perfect and travelling was arranged to perfection. We got a great week of walking, sightseeing, culture and history. We got to see a lot of a country that we did not know much about before. It was truly a memorable trip that we will all talk about with fondness in the future. Thanks for everything and perhaps we will see you in Romania again in the future. Seamus Just back from an amazing adventure with Mountain Guide Sibiu. Can't praise Iulian & George enough for looking after us. They continuously made sure we were being looked after. The best of locations, accommodation, food and drink. Nothing was too much trouble. Thanks George for sorting out the bikes, trails and company..sorry about the mechanicals! Hopefully can return to your beautiful country again soon!! Sean I've just returned to Ireland from a hiking trip to Romania where our guides for the week were Iulian and George of MountainGuide-Sibiu. I can honestly say that it was a truly memorable trip. Everything was organised to perfection for us. Travel, accommodation, food, drink and most importantly our daily schedules were planned with our specific needs in mind. I knew very little about Romania before my visit but the passion and knowledge shown by Iulian and George for their country has created a real interest for me to learn more. Having our own personal photographer in Iulian to hand meant we never missed a photo opportunity and the gift of a DVD at the end of our trip, containing hundreds of photos, was a really nice touch. I would have no problem recommending MountainGuide-Sibiu to anybody interested in taking a trip like the one I've just experienced. It was the perfect holiday which we'll continue to talk about for a long time to come. Thanks again guys!! Suzanne I was impressed by the attention Iulian and George showed to our trekking group. They both quickly learned all our names and were dedicated to making the holiday the best experience for each of us as individuals, not just the group. I was impressed by their listening skills and the flexibility they showed in changing the schedule to suit how we felt and the changeable weather conditions. And they still managed to fit everything in! The accommodation was very agreeable while the choice of food available in the restaurants we visited was extensive. I particularly liked the way Iulian was our official photographer for the trip and provided each of us with an extensive set of quality photos as a memento of our trip. A most enjoyable trip where we could relax knowing Iulian and George had everything under control. I would love to go back to back to try the Touring Ski or Mountain Biking options. Thanks a million for a great holiday. Adrian,
The Bogtrotters Walkers Club, Dublin, Ireland, May 2015
Als Siebenbürgerin, die oft Urlaub in Rumänien macht, war ich immer auf der Suche nach einem Bergführer für die Karpaten. Dabei hab ich im Internet den Mountaiguide Sibiu gefunden. Die von Ihm am Muttertag angebotene Tageswanderung, hat genau meinen Vorstellungen entsprochen. Wunderschöne Landschaft, nette, internationale, junge Wandergruppe und sehr kompetente Bergführer. Es war ein toller Tag und ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Tour, diesmal mit dem Mountainbike. Brigitte, Deutschland
Julian, George, Mircea nous font découvrir la Roumanie dans ce qu'elle a de plus authentique, de plus magique et de plus sauvage. Ils nous ouvrent la voie à la découverte des trésors de ce pays que sont les Carpates, et partagent avec nous leur passion pour ces paysages à couper le souffle. Pour sortir des sentiers battus (dans tous les sens du terme) ce sont les meilleurs interlocuteurs! Toujours très à l'écoute, très attentionnés, et très arrangeants, ils sont digne d'une confiance sans limite. Marie, France
Extrem de usor de gasit si urmarit in mediul virtual, Iulian Panescu este Ghidul montan pe care l-am cunoscut in persoana la inceputul anului. Felul sau prietenos si profesionalismul de care da dovada, m-au facut sa particip de atunci la mai bine de 10 ture montane si sa-i astept cu nerabdare urmatoarele event-uri! De la mic la mare, oricui simte nevoia de evadare din aria urbana, de miscare si explorare de noi trasee montane, ii recomand cu multa incredere sa-l contacteze pe Iulian. Dan, Sibiu, Romania
L-am cunoscut pe Iulian iarna aceasta, cand am inceput sub indrumarea lui sa practic schiul de tura. Este un om cu foarte multa rabdare, tact pedagogic, care dispune de foarte multa empatie si pe care il recomand cu caldura pentru initierea in acest sport. Ulterior am vazut ca organizeaza si drumetii montane si asa m-am inscris in drumetia propusa de el pe Valea Sambetei, din muntii Fagaras, cu urcare spre Fereastra Mare a Sambetei. M-am simtit extraordinar de bine alaturi de grupul condus de acesta. Zona este superba, cu peisaje ce-ti taie respiratia. A fost o adevarata evadare in frumusete, deoarece muntele ne ofera tot ceea ce putem cere vietii: spatiu, maretie, liniste, frumusete, prietenie. Iar daca aceste evadari se desfasoara alaturi de un ghid cu experienta lui Iulian, succesul este asigurat. Anca, Sibiu, Romania
Très belle randonnée en moyenne montagne avec Julian, George et tous les accompagnateurs. Ils viennent vous chercher à Sibiu et vous ramène, au top. Très sympathique de mixer les nationalités pour cette sortie ! Lotru est un lieu magnifique, la montée et la descente étaient bien organisées par les guides et respectaient le rythme de chacun. Après un passage en forêt plutôt féérique, on a droit à un panorama exceptionnel sur les Monts Fagaras ! Grandiose. Ajoutez à cela quelques rencontres avec des bergers et leur troupeau, un barbecue avec des produits locaux (saucisses, formage, légumes...) près des bergeries, et vous êtes dans un autre monde !! A recommander sans heister.
Bei der Wanderung durch das Zibinsgebirge in der Umgebung von Sibiu/Hermannstadt konnten wir die großartige Berglandschaft genießen und hatten einen super Ausblick auf die anderen Berge und hinunter ins Tal. Die Tour führte über unmarkierte Wege und ist durch Iulians Ortskenntnis auch für Wanderanfänger gut geeignet. Bereits im Vorfeld hat Iulian bei fehlender Ausrüstung und der Anreise sehr gut geholfen und hat während der Tour die schönen Momente mit Fotos festgehalten. Ich bin gerne wieder dabei! Steffi, Germany Our tour at the Cindrel Mountains with tour guide lulian was perfect. We were with a small group and the tour reached point where we would not have been without him because he likes to go off track to visit beautiful but hidden places. There is much space for your wishes to make the tour like you want it. I will join anther event for sure! Rene, Netherlands